New Scout Resources
Please purchase a uniform and sew the patches on as described on our uniform page. Remember that the Scout Handbook is part of the uniform.
Until your son grows a little more, probably 13 - 14 years old, this is the basic equipment they will need. Please do not spend a lot of money on equipment until he (and you) learn what is needed and will work for him.
Bedroll or sleeping bag
Pack or duffel bag
Knife, fork, spoon
Plate, bowl, and cup for camp eating
Raingear or poncho
Refer to our Troop 70 Guides for a more in depth discussion about gear.
Please complete an application. Even if you have filled one out this year for Webelos, please complete another and submit with your joining fee so that we can move you to Troop 70.
The Troop meets on Monday evenings at 7:00. Boys should arrive in full Field Uniform. The opening flag ceremony begins at 7:15 p.m., sharp, and the meetings are completed by 8:45 p.m. Most meetings will have some type of program or presentation. These are developed around Scouting skills or areas of interest of the boys. Frequently a game or activity is employed so the scouts can practice the skill(s) and have fun doing so.
It is important that your son be present, on time, and in Field Uniform. The Troop has a patrol contest and points are awarded to each patrol for Scouts on-time arrival, uniform, advancement, etc. When your son does his part he is helping the rest of his patrol.
Scout Shop
New Scouts will need a uniform, and a handbook. These can either be obtained at the online Scout Shop, or at the store at 8650 Harry Hines.
Troop 70 uses Scoutbook to track a scout’s advancement. After your completed application has been submitted to Circle 10 Council and your scout is set up with Troop 70, you will get an email invitation for a Scoutbook account.
Parent Information
Parents are an integral part of the scouting experience at Troop 70. Find out more.