Troop 70 plans an exciting schedule of activities each year. Examples include:
Minimum of 7 weekend campouts during school year (not including Winter/Summer Camps)
Each campout includes a theme such as fishing, climbing, shooting, etc.
Camping at private ranches within a 2 hours’ drive from Dallas
Usually 1 night, but some have a 2 night option
Camping at several of the Circle Ten Council’s camps, such as Camp Wisdom and Constantin
Winter Camp at Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Ranch
Annual (unofficial) snow skiing trip
Summer Camp at Jack Furst Aquatic Base, Camp Constantin
High Adventure Treks, such as Philmont, Sea Base, Yosemite, etc.
National Jamboree (every 4 years)
Every Scout in Troop 70 proudly displays their camping carabiner which shows each scout’s camping nights. Each scout is presented with a Camping Carabiner and bead loop at his first campout, along with a lone white bead—signifying one camping night with the troop. Beads are added for each night and other significant camping experiences like summer camp, winter camp, or hi-adventure trek—each with a unique color.