Rank Advancement
Trail to First Class
Troop 70 has a robust Trail to First Class (TFC) program for Scouts. Every entering scout starts working with the requirements for Scout Rank, which are mostly a repeat from the Webelos Arrow of Light. While completing the Scout Rank, all TFC scouts are involved in the program covering the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class requirements.
While all ranks must be earned in order —Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class — scouts can work on any of the requirements at any time. Often times we will cover similar topics for different ranks at the same time.
Troop 70’s TFC program gives scouts the ability to work on all the requirements at least once per year, but there are often even more opportunities to do so. Of course, rank advancement is dependent upon attendance and participation.
Honor Ranks
Beyond the TFC ranks to the honor ranks (Star, Life, and Eagle), advancement becomes more scout initiated and motivated. After reaching First Class, the scout is responsible for initiating and completing merit badges and other requirements. Honor rank advancement requires serving in a position of responsibility for at least six months or completing a Scoutmaster approved leadership project. Also, in order to qualify for Star, Life, and Eagle ranks, a scout must be active in the troop for specific number of months after earning their current rank. See the first rank requirement #1 for each rank. Additionally, Honor Ranks each require completion of a specific type of service project. See the service project rank requirement for each rank.
Merit Badges
Merit badges are a key requirement towards earning the honor ranks. You can learn about sports, crafts, hobbies, science, trades, business, and future careers as you earn merit badges. There are more than 135 merit badges. Any Scout may earn any merit badge at any time. You don’t need to have had rank advancement to be eligible. Merit badges can be earned at summer/winter camps, at merit badge colleges, or individually with a merit badge counselor. To earn the Eagle Scout rank you are required to earn a total of 21 merit badges – 13 of these must be from the list of Eagle required merit badges. The rest are electives which can be chosen by the Scout. The badges are worn proudly on a sash at Courts of Honor and other special events.