Order of the Arrow
Mikinakawa Lodge
Mikanakawa Lodge, and the Order of the Arrow, exists to honor those Scouts who have devoted their lives to cheerful service and giving back more to Scouting than it has given to them. Our lodge contains over 3,000 of north Texas’ and southern Oklahoma’s best and brightest Scouts.
Circle Ten Council’s Mikanakawa Lodge 101, was founded in 1937. Troop 70 scouts in the West Park District belong to the Shawnee Chapter.
Visit the Lodge’s website to see the calendar of events, register to attend, and pay your annual dues.
Becoming a member
To be eligible for OA, Scouts must be First Class rank or higher and have 15 days and nights of camping in the past two years. That must include one long term camp (summer camp), but you cannot count more than one long term camp when counting up nights. Members are elected by the members of the Troop – including those who are not OA members.
Once elected to OA, the scout will be “tapped out” at a ceremony, usually at summer camp. The scout then has to attend an “Ordeal”, which is a weekend experience of camping, fellowship, and service. Once these steps are completed (and all fees paid), then—and only then—does the scout actually become a member of the OA.
Adult scouters may also be elected to membership, and many of Troop 70’s adult leaders are also members of the OA.
Cheerful Service
As a “Brotherhood of Cheerful Service,” Mikanakawa Lodge is devoted to serving the Boy Scouts of America. A majority of the Lodge’s efforts are placed into our scout camps, both at ordeals or special projects, where any number of tasks, ranging from clearing trails to moving entire campsites, are performed.
Service can also come in the form of staffing OA events. Exceptional service from Arrowmen can often be found at Summer and especially Winter camp, where one might teach classes, perform ceremonies, or do general service around camp.